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le couple souffrance crise développement accompagnement

Find your balance

Specializing in couples


I propose to accompany you for each difficulty of life: difficult separation, mourning, burn out, depression, feeling of exclusion, disorders, anxiety, existential impasse, relationship problems, phobias, smoking cessation, addictions, eating disorders.

The approach that I propose is aimed at anyone in search of self or in pain who needs help or support to get through a moment of crisis or imbalance in their personal, social or professional life._d04a07d8-9cd1 -3239-9149-20813d6c673b_

My accompaniment is part of the current, existential and relational. It aims to develop autonomy, responsibility and creativity. It does not limit the human to an individualistic vision, but is interested in the interactions of the individual with his environments, whether personal, professional or social.

plage Méditation

The first session

In individual session,the anamnesis, constitutes an essential first contact:
it allows the sophrologist to focus on the request of the future client. To do this, he collects a succession of information to gradually adapt his practices.
The anamnesis is not an end in itself: its function, from the first meeting, is not to create a protocol for ten sessions; the sophrologist, following the client for a sufficient time, is often led to modify the content of his sessions according to the different awareness of the client. it is not a question of judging the client, of interpreting what he communicates to us, of becoming his adviser or his mentor; it is rather a question of creating a space of benevolent speech which will allow him to indulge, by reminding him that the sophrologist is subject to professional secrecy. What the client reveals about him from time to time is only used to guide the sessions.


Frustration bien-être ressources heureux bonne santé pression

Vous être utile, innover chaque jour pour votre santé

En tant que Consultant en bien-être diplômé, je comprends le poids et la frustration de sentir que vous pourriez faire mieux, mais de ne pas savoir vers qui se tourner en premier. C'est pourquoi ma mission est simple : donner à mes clients l'éducation au bien-être, les outils et les

ressources dont ils ont besoin pour se sentir heureux, en bonne santé et capables de gérer les pressions de la vie.

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Sylvie  PAREDES : Sophrologue, Hypnothèrapeute, Relaxologue. 


Séances de sophrologie en Cabinet 
à domicile ou en visio via :

WhatsApp, Messenger,  Zoom. 
Cabinet au 20 Allée du Parc 86000 Poitiers

                        Résidence Verger des Dunes

                           Interphone : Cabinet 1

        Tel :                                                                                         EI 487 384 027

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