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Adults, The Couple

Le stress de l'adulte, accompagnement du couple

Adult Stress Comes With Well-Known Symptoms

• Lack of sleep or sleep of poor quality in terms of recovery
• Chronic fatigue
• Difficulty concentrating and memory disturbance
• Changing or even excessive moods
• Anguish, anxiety, outbursts and/or emotional dysfunctions
• Appetite disorders
• Body tension

• Chronic pain
• Migraines…

Sophrology, by releasing the tensions of the body will soothe the mind and allow a return to oneself

• Calm down
• Sleep better
• Energize your energy
• Find a balance by managing periods of stress

• Manage “all your lives” more easily with hindsight and attention
• Regain self-confidence and personal and professional abilities
• Sort out one's life priorities by reconnecting with one's existential values...

La sophrologie pour enfants





Sophrology for children: when, why and how?

Inspired by Eastern disciplines such as yoga, the Japanese philosophy of Zen or even Ericksonian hypnosis, sophrology was created in 1960 by Alfonso Caycedo, a Colombian neuropsychiatrist. Today, we frequently speak of Caycedian sophrology to differentiate it from other currents of sophrology born later.

Sophrology makes it possible to refine the state of consciousness, to overcome fear and to optimize its possibilities by drawing on the resources in oneself. 

The sophrologist often identifies that the child feels the emotions of his parents. But unlike the psychologist, the sophrologist does not intervene in the family sphere or in the cause of the trauma. It suggests that the child rely on various tools offered by sophrology in order to enable him to overcome his difficulties and regain self-confidence, thanks to his own resources.

Sophrology is an interesting practice because it allows to intervene on school phobias, shyness, concentration problems and even enuresis (wetting the bed). You need to knowr, thanks to sophrology, many problems arising in childhood can be overcome.

For this, she uses three processes: controlled breathing, muscle relaxation and the visualization of positive images (memories, universal images or projected images).

Sophrology sessions with children can begin around 5-6 years old. This is the age when they are able to express their feelings. It takes an average of 6 to 10 sessions to hope to solve a given problem. Note, for toddlers the sessions last about 15 minutes and the practice is more of a relaxation session.

améliorer et renforcer ses performances



To reach a high level and improve their performance, many athletes have recognized sophrology. Whether you practice a discipline in Paris, Marseille, Grenoble, Nice, Lyon or Strasbourg, sophrology proves to be an interesting practice for the professional sportsman as much as for the amateur.

Like mental training, sophrology is a tool that allows the individual - including the sportsman - to put all the chances on his side, in particular with a view to winning. This is why sophrology is able to support athletes, whatever their level of practice. It is thus present in various disciplines such as tennis, horse riding, boxing, rugby, athletics... 

Sport is a demanding discipline, thanks to sophrology, the athlete has access to specific and appropriate techniques. Alternately, sophrology offers the athlete ways to achieve the level of relaxation he wishes or the proper management of his sleep. It will allow him to access a modified state of consciousness so as to prepare his mind gradually. Thanks to her, he will learn to control his body image.


Sessions to improve and strengthen performance


Sophrology involves breathing methods and dynamic relaxation exercises.

Most often, individual sessions for athletes respond to requests related to competition issues. The sophrologist then develops a personal mental training program for the athlete.

An individual sophrology session lasts approximately 1 hour. A few sessions can often be enough to solve a pre-competitive inhibitory stress problem. But if it is a question of ensuring the follow-up of an athlete in relation to a specific problem, around ten sessions will be necessary.

Femmes enceintes


Adolescence is a stage of growth that occurs between the age of a child and adulthood. It generally begins around the age of twelve for girls and fourteen for boys. It is the age of puberty. It is a period of life when the way we look at our surroundings changes. It can also be part of a crisis phase. Sophrology support sessions are a valuable tool for teaching adolescents to channel their emotions and soothe their internal and external tensions.

Adolescence is also a time for living new experiences. By learning about life, the teenager discovers his own values. This is when he builds his self-esteem. It is also at this time that significant psychological changes occur. New centers of interest appear, sometimes mixed with new objectives.

Support sessions in sophrology encourage the teenager to become more independent. It allows him to mobilize his resources and improve his daily well-being. Moreover, in case of pathology, they tend to improve the state of health of the person.

Thanks to the tools at its disposal, the practice intervenes on the management of stress related to this age, in all its forms. 

In addition to improving the management of anxiety attacks, anxiety, insomnia or chronic lassitude, sophrology can also accompany addictions: tobacco, alcohol, games...  The practice intervenes also on different disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, asthma, as well as eating disorders.

Sophrology helps adolescents to manage their impulses through techniques to drive out their anxiety and promote self-control.


Sessionses to help prepare for exams


Whether on the academic or professional level, the prospect of an exam or a competition is often synonymous with stress, anxiety, fatigue and doubts. To prevent young people from losing all their means during written and oral presentations, sophrology can be a precious help.

Sophrology sessions for teenagers last approximately 50 minutes. 2 to 3 sessions may be sufficient if it is a recent illness or stress problems. If the problem is persistent (for several years), about ten sessions will probably  necessary.

The session often ends with a small exchange on the feelings of the teenager.


Exercises to promote confidence and self-seeking


The sessions generally begin with dynamic relaxation exercises whose movements are inspired by yoga.

The sophrologist uses exercises to achieve controlled breathing: inspirations, expirations, apnea time. Muscle relaxation exercises (contraction, relaxation) are added afterwards. 

Inspired by hypnosis, mental suggestion exercises come into play with the visualization of images, memories... They continue with a process of physical and psychic relaxation, which Alfonso Caycedo, the founder of sophrology, described as sophronization.


An accompaniment to the transformations of the body


During adolescence, young people sometimes find themselves confronted with a difficult relationship with their body, which changes rapidly, and the gaze of others. They may experience problems with food or practice a sport to excess. They are also sometimes anchored in static postures, riveted to screens. These manifestations can taint self-realization. 

This period is also accompanied by physical transformations due to hormonal surges. It is preparation for adulthood. The discovery of sexuality, the construction of identity... constitute developments to be considered in the crisis of adolescence. Sophrology also allows teenagers to cope with physical transformations. It offers them tools to build their identity, to assert themselves and to find a state of well-being to live happily and fulfilled. It teaches them to detach themselves from the gaze and judgment of others, and to take a benevolent look at themselves.

Through the dynamic relaxation exercises of sophrology, adolescents can become familiar with their body image. Thus, they better understand the body-mind connection and realize that they have the power to produce their own physical, mental and emotional well-being.


By acting on the body and the mind, through listening to the feelings of the adolescent, sophrology represents a precious help in adolescence, a key moment in development and self-knowledge._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Pregnant women


The benefits of sophrology during pregnancy Sophrology will thus contribute to relieving certain pregnancy ailments, those relating to the psychological sphere such as stress, sleep disorders of course, but also all physical ailments also having a psychological component, such as first trimester nausea.

Sophrology will also help the pregnant woman to better live her bodily changes and to apprehend with more serenity the prospect of her new role as mother. Pregnancy is indeed a period of profound psychological reorganization which can give rise to worries and anxieties. Sophrology is then a tool of choice to strengthen his confidence in his ability to assume this new role.

Sophrologyie to prepare for childbirth

The principle of "progressive sophro-acceptance" will be used to mentally prepare for childbirth. It is a question of anticipating, step by step, an event in order to become familiar with it, approach it positively and thus gain self-confidence.

Sophrology during childbirth

On D-Day, the pregnant woman will be able to use sophrology techniques, and in particular breathing, to relax. In this “sophroliminal level” or “alpha level”, she will better understand the pain of contractions. With visualization, she can also use her soothing image to relax and recover between contractions.

Also thanks to visualization, she will be able to “accompany” her baby by imagining him during the different stages of his progress towards birth.



Accompagnement des seniors et de leurs douleurs, pour mieux vieillir

Sophrology helps to age well and live better with the effects that can accompany aging, such as pain, sleep or memory problems, depression... In cases of chronic pain, it brings bodily relaxation and physical or mental well-being. It is also useful for accepting changes in one's appearance or energy level.


On the dcolors

Backache, stomach ache, headache, the pains are very often the manifestation of a disruption of our organism. And other times, it is our mind that alerts us by creating these pains to tell us “stop”, when we are overwhelmed by our environment (for example, work stress and musculoskeletal disorders). Sophrology will allow the person to find a balance between his body and his mind and live better with his pain. These will not disappear but will be better supported by the person who suffers from them. This is how many hospitals will call on a sophrologist to monitor their patients, especially in the case of chronic pain.

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